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Great place to start Open-Source Journey. Contribute today

An open source project focuses on student learning, If you want to get started with open source with Github you are on the right spot. Just create a copy



Git Opener

Git Opener is a open source project for everyone. If you are looking for a good project to get started with open source and you want to see your code in action then you are in the right place. Just checkout our contribution guideline before you start. If don't know about how the things get done don't woory we have covered basic questions that might come into your mind when you are starting. Just give them a read and tight your helmet belive me the journey will be wild...

Learn Contributing

From creating an issue to to open a pull request, everything got covered. The basic things you need to know is the terminologies. If you are curious you definately checkout these

  • What is Git?
  • What is Github?
  • What is fork in Github?
  • What is an issue?
  • What is branch?
  • How to write professional commits?
  • How to Push your commits to your repository?
  • How to create a pull request to upstream?

How it works

  • Based on your contribution file your-github-username.mdx GitOpener authenticates you.
  • Make your profile publically visible as

System Engine

Tech Stack Used

This project is in a very early stage so anybody who's familiar with any of the following can contribute.

  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • Typescript
  • TailwindCSS
  • HeadlessUI
  • MDX
  • Rest API

If you don't feel ready to make a technical contribution yet, no problem at all. You can also contribute to this project by

  • Running & Testing the project
  • Reporting Bugs if you find any
  • Writing the proper Documentaion
  • Answering questions
  • Helping other contributors etc.

There are so many ways you can contribute and learn together and understand open source. Just get involved

If you are interested to contribute and want to learn more about the technologies that are used in this project, checkout official docs the links below.




  • Fork the Repository into your github account

  • Clone the project into your local machine by running following comman in console

git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/gitopener.vercel.app.git
  • Navigate to the folder after successful cloning
cd gitopener.vercel.app
  • Install required dependencies to run this software in your local machine

    As Git Opener uses yarn package manager, it is recommended to use yarn, install yarn

  • Make .env.local file in root directory with these variables

    This step is optional, Do this step if you want to run complete application with database support

  • Get mongodb connection string here: MONGODB DOCS

  • Generate github token here: GITHUB TOKEN

  • Run the project on your local machine

yarn dev
  • Every time you start making changes to your forked repo make sure it's in sync with the original repo